It may not be a pleasant subject, but yeast infections sometimes occur. Perhaps you are suffering from one at this very moment and that has prompted you to find this article. Maybe you have dealt with infection in the past, and are looking to prevent a recurrence or ensure you never have your first one. In addition to prevention of a yeast infection, this article contains information on how to alleviate the symptoms associated with yeast infections.
Do not douche. This is sold as a cleanser, but the body naturally cleanses itself. If you try to change that, yeast infections tend to crop up more regularly. Soap and water can serve as the best possible treatment.
Cotton panties are the way to go when trying to prevent yeast infections. Although silky underwear or tights might look great to wear, they may contribute to conditions suitable for an infection. Cotton allows your skin to breathe and also reduces moisture. That can stop a yeast infection dead in its tracks.
Clean vaginas tend to be healthy vaginas. Gently wash the entire genital area very well, and make sure all the folds of skin are cleansed. Be sure that you completely dry the area after washing. It is crucial to stay dry. Yeast will grow in areas that are moist, so the better you dry, the better.
Yeast is no match against tea tree oil. A mixture of almond oil and tea tree oil is effective as a topical application on the vagina. Don’t apply undiluted tea tree oil, because it can cause unpleasant burns and irritation. This is very effective in fighting yeast infections and restoring balance.
Draw a warm bath and pour two cups of apple-cider vinegar into your bath. You can reduce the growth of yeast in your system with the vinegar that balances your pH level. Don’t soak for longer that you usually do. If you would like, instead of bathing, you can use a douche made up of cider vinegar and warm water.
If you have a yeast infection, treating it is a priority. Even those who have never had an infection need to know how to prevent one in the future. By using this article, both can be achieved. Try some or all of these tips, and you will see a healthier you.