Great Tips For Hemorrhoid Prevention And Treatment

The average external hemorrhoid can easily be taken care of with items that you can purchase over the counter. There is a lot of information concerning hemorrhoids, but some great advice is to add fiber to your diet, drink plenty of water, and use stool softeners. The following article offers helpful information for dealing with hemorrhoids.

Dramatically upgrading your bathroom hygiene habits cuts down your odds of external hemorrhoid formation. For example, use moistened, flushable towelettes after every bowel movement; these wipes are available at most grocery stores and can be kept in the bathroom. Also, purchase soft toilet paper that is textured and does not leave bits of paper behind.

One risk factor for hemorrhoids is pushing too hard when defecating. Stools pass much easier if you limit your refined foods and drink plenty of water. When you’re having a bowel movement, squatting, instead of sitting, can help you pass it more easily. To achieve this, place your feet on a short stool whenever you sit down to go. There is a noticeable lack of hemorrhoids in countries where residents routinely squat at the toilet.

Hemorrhoids feel like chicken pox around your anus, and you should not scratch them. Scratching will only serve to create tears and fissures. If they are ripped open they are going to cause you far more pain, and open your body to getting bacterial infections.

Add a bit of lemon to any water you drink; this can help relieve the hemorrhoid pain you may be experiencing. Lemons can sooth hemorrhoids, so use them to get rid of some of your irritation. Make your discomfort a little more bearable by drinking a little lemon water each day.

Unrefined grains like whole wheat bread can give you the extra fiber you need to smooth the digestive process and reduce hemorrhoids flare-ups. Your skin can also be less irritated and red after eating this product. The next time you make a sandwich, go with wheat bread instead!

Treatments range from staying well hydrated with water and eating lots of fiber to using topical creams and exercising on a regular basis. If you use these techniques, you can minimize hemorrhoids.

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