Green Energy Tips: Is This Eco-Friendly Option Right For You?

You’ve probably heard others talk about green energy, but you may not know what it is. If you are seeking information on what green energy is all about, then you have found the right place. Keep reading to find out what you can do to bring green energy into your home.

Heat your pools, hot tubs and showers more efficiently with a solar hot water system. Solar water heaters use the sun’s heat to warm water rather than using natural gas or electricity for heat. Although these upgrades could cost a lot, they also might qualify for energy tax deductions.

Shade the windows from sunlight to conserve energy in summer. Installing blinds and curtains will also help. These actions will reduce the air conditioning usage during the hot summer months, and yet your home will still remain cooler. Energy and money are both saved this way.

Cover your windows if you’re not going to be home. This keeps your house cool and your energy costs down when you’re not there. Typically windows on the southern side of the home receive the most sun. Cover all of these windows with curtains, blinds or roller shades.

Don’t run the dishwasher unless it’s full in order to save energy and money. A lot of energy is wasted when only a few dishes are washed at a time. You’ll be surprised at how many dishes a dishwasher can load. Line up the same types of dishes, such as plates and cups so you are filling it completely.

Do maintenance on your fridge to save money. Refrigerators constantly use energy to maintain cooler temperatures. If it is not properly cared for, it will use much more energy than it needs to. Clean the dust off of the heating coils on a regular basis. Inspect the door’s seal for tightness and cleanliness.

Make your carbon footprint smaller and use less energy by using some of the great ideas above to show that you care about the environment. The financial savings alone is enough to make you want to go green!

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