It is a common occurrence after you purchase a home to eventually see plumbing problems start to crop up. Most plumbing problems are found in the kitchen and bathroom. Really, at some point every homeowner will deal with some kind of plumbing problem. Using the following tips will help you with plumbing issues.
It is a advisable to have a septic tank pumped every five years to keep it in peak condition. Having your septic pumped will keep sediments from settling to the bottom of the septic tank and causing the tank to malfunction or backup. If the cost of pumping your septic tank seems a bit steep, remember that the cost of cleanup and repair of a failed septic system will be much higher.
Check for softness in your floor to determine flood damage. Stand above the toilet with a foot positioned on each side up close to the base. Shift your weight back and forth to detect any weakness or sponginess. This will save you a lot of trouble and money if you find the issue before something horrible happens.
If your toilet happens to be clogged, and the plunger is not working, you can pour a bucket of hot water down the toilet, but be sure to pour it from a height that is waist level or above so you do not flood the bathroom. If one attempt doesn’t solve the problem, you can do it again once the water level stabilizes.
Stay away from bleach tablets, blue tablets for the toilet and other toilet odor removers. It may help to get rid of your toilet’s odors, but it will damage any rubber parts, causing your toilet to malfunction, or even break down.
The worst thing you can do is to be unprepared when a plumbing problem arises. Always keep some basic tools on hand, and try to have some idea of how your plumbing works, as well as what to do in the event of an emergency. The helpful advice you learned from this article will help you when you have a plumbing issue.