Whether You Are Traditional Or Contemporary, This Expert Jewelry Advice Is What You Seek

Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror and feel like there is just something that is missing? Even with your best outfit on and your hair done just right, you still feel like you could look better. You are missing that finishing touch, which is jewelry. Sometimes, one simple piece of jewelry will make your outfit look complete.

If you are looking to purchase sterling silver jewelry make sure that you have a magnet with you and a good eye. You can detect fake sterling silver with the magnet, since non-precious metals are drawn to magnets. Sterling silver always has some sort of stamp to indicate it is sterling. If there is no marking on the piece, it may not be sterling silver.

Do not use any chemicals on your jewelery stones. Harsh chemicals will dull your stones and dissolve the enamel on your jewelry.

You should expect good jewelry to last the rest of your life, and possibly beyond. When you are shopping for your next piece, choose a reliable dealer. This can make all the difference in ensuring you get jewelry of the highest quality. You should be able to notice a quality piece by its craftsmanship. The jeweler should tell you about who made the piece and the origin of the stones. Making sure that it is high-quality will ensure that it lasts forever.

When shopping for a diamond, it’s crucial that you do comparisons. Look at what you want very closely, and keep that in mind so you can compare it with other diamonds you look at. However, be mindful that there are fraudulent ways to make the diamond look better than it is.

Do they prefer to wear over-sized pieces or more delicate styles? Yellow gold or silver? Just paying attention to what they wear now will make buying for them much easier than asking a salesperson.

To keep your jewelry looking great, take steps to prevent it from tarnish. Keep your jewelry away from water. If you let some metals get wet too often, they can tarnish, rust or become dull. Painting a thin layer of clear-colored nail polish on your metal jewelry can add a protective barrier to it.

Jewelry shopping can overwhelm women and men alike. Hopefully, the tips you’ve just read can provide you some assistance when you have a jewelry question in the future.

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